Journal Index
- 2024-10-13: Work in progress update
- 2024-10-13: In which I tell my antisemitic drive-by reviewer-troll: buddy, I get you.
- 2024-04-30: Christian nationalists demanding the arrest of jews for antisemitism is peak 2020s
- 2023-12-12: Imagine peace
- 2019-12-11: All the Things
- 2019-09-15: "The Orange" as an illustrated book
- 2019-07-11: NYC reading, F&F sale, and Ennie nomination
- 2019-06-24: Work in Progress, revisited
- 2019-02-15: "Network Protocols of Reef Six" in Sci Phi Journal
- 2019-02-11: "Sing Your Heart Out" at Larp House
- 2019-01-11: On Hacking The Games You Play With Your Kids
- 2019-01-06: Reading in Basel
- 2018-11-16: The Jewish interpretation of history, summarized
- 2018-10-21: "The Orange" on the Selected Shorts podcast
- 2018-05-15: Dream Apart (& Askew) Kickstarter Launch!
- 2018-05-03: DIE AUFLÖSUNG live! Also, readings, con appearances & playtests
- 2018-03-22: Games of Belonging Outside Belonging
- 2018-03-02: "The Orange" podcast and onstage in Dutch
- 2018-02-27: "The Unraveling" in German; "Fift & Shria" in the creative commons
- 2017-12-14: Epic Disses of the Talmud, #1
- 2017-09-19: Sing Your Heart Out at BigBadCon
- 2017-09-06: Bits of writing geekery
- 2017-09-06: Bits of writing geekery...
- 2017-08-24: מולי והכובע האדום (Molly and the Red Hat) at
- 2017-06-11: "The Doctor and I" in Invisibles 3
- 2017-06-05: Work In Progress
- 2017-05-23: Wiscon Schedule 2017
- 2017-03-26: The Doctor and I
- 2017-01-27: Awards eligibility 2016
- 2016-11-22: On talking to your Trumpist relatives (the ones you care about)
- 2016-11-13: A(r)gented
- 2016-09-29: Radius
- 2016-09-16: "Later that Day" at Persistent Visions
- 2016-05-31: Tabletop as anti-Improv
- 2016-05-26: Wiscon Schedule 2016
- 2016-05-11: Computer Poetry
- 2016-05-03: A Conversation with Cindy
- 2016-04-12: Hey There
- 2016-04-12: Matrifocal Pillow Talk, and an Anti-Extropian Toolbox
- 2015-08-04: Open Tabs
- 2015-07-22: Adaptations, remixes, reactions
- 2015-07-05: Completions
- 2015-02-26: Two new stories
- 2014-12-03: Reading at Fantom Comics; also, Fift and Shria in Solaris Rising 3
- 2014-11-17: An Interstitial Interview, plus the avoidance of a con report
- 2014-11-13: Building Diversity in IT: reading recommendations roundup
- 2014-10-07: Capclave Schedule
- 2014-09-24: Happy 5775!
- 2014-09-22: A Gift from Dad
- 2014-08-12: Transatlantic dislocation & Goblin Baby interview
- 2014-08-12: Transatlantic dislocation & Goblin Baby interview
- 2014-07-08: Dream Apart Playtests
- 2014-06-16: Writing Process
- 2014-05-15: Works in progress
- 2014-04-20: Aviva's Bat Mitzvah!
- 2014-03-23: Language and the body
- 2014-02-23: Translation, Asymmetry, An Offer
- 2014-02-21: Noah on "Start the Clock"
- 2014-02-13: Aspiring Aliens
- 2014-02-13: Pretty
- 2014-01-11: On Audience
- 2014-01-06: Goblin Baby
- 2013-12-11: A writing exercise with "Feature Development for Social Networking"
- 2013-11-19: "Feature Development for Social Networking", over at
- 2013-11-05: World fantasy, roleplaying games, Story Now and numinous magic
- 2013-07-30: Collaborative Strategic Underground Railroad... Games
- 2013-06-25: On children yelling when you wash their hair
- 2013-06-19: "The Orange" in German
- 2013-06-16: "Night Waking" at Journey Into...
- 2013-06-03: Dear Barry & Mike
- 2013-05-18: The Towel
- 2013-05-07: The Metaworld
- 2013-05-05: The Official Rules of "Adventure Mode Awesome"
- 2013-02-27: Drawing Morning
- 2013-02-06: From a discussion of the Australian systemless role-playing tradition
- 2013-01-30: Vereint
- 2013-01-22: Address Bar Alphabet
- 2013-01-02: Applesauce
- 2012-11-05: A bit more on Yoda and Tao-Fail
- 2012-10-24: Third Draft Struggles
- 2012-10-17: On Gervais, "Science", and "Religion"
- 2012-10-08: Clichés vs. allusions
- 2012-09-27: A Very Basel Building
- 2012-09-19: "Falling" now in Polish too!
- 2012-08-22: Concering the Production of Cucumbers By Magic: or, Amal and Ben study Talmud, Part One
- 2012-08-14: On Magical Elders
- 2012-08-09: "Digital Rapture: The Singularity Anthology"
- 2012-07-23: "Falling" and "The Guy Who Worked For Money" in German
- 2012-06-20: On "How to Read a Racist Book to Your Kids"
- 2012-06-19: "Elsewhere" at Strange Horizons
- 2012-06-07: What Happened to Cyberpunk?
- 2012-06-05: Consenting Frisbees: "Let's Build A World" at Wiscon 2012
- 2012-06-04: "The Duck" in Glassworks
- 2012-05-24: And the Spirit and the bride say, come
- 2012-05-17: Wiscon Schedule 2012
- 2012-05-16: On the Privilege Game
- 2012-05-03: Under the Needle's Eye
- 2012-05-01: Finished
- 2012-04-30: Almost there
- 2012-04-24: More Second Draft Progress
- 2012-04-10: Second Draft Progress
- 2012-03-14: My Name is LUCA
- 2012-03-01: Second Draft Progress
- 2012-03-01: Nilly
- 2012-02-27: "Imaginary Book Club" Panel at Wiscon
- 2012-02-24: More on the Past's Future
- 2012-02-17: Angry Child
- 2012-02-17: Second Draft Progress
- 2012-02-14: The Past's Future
- 2012-02-09: Haircut
- 2012-02-08: Second Draft Progress
- 2012-02-03: Thomas Covert, Letter #7
- 2012-01-24: Thomas Covert, Letter #6
- 2012-01-18: Things Exist By Imitation of Numbers
- 2012-01-15: Thomas Covert, Letter #5
- 2012-01-11: In Which I am Overtaken By History
- 2012-01-06: Thomas Covert, Letter #4
- 2012-01-02: Numbers Quartet
- 2011-12-13: On Screen Time
- 2011-12-04: From a letter to a college student
- 2011-12-03: Thomas Covert, Letter #3
- 2011-11-24: Thomas Covert's Letters Home
- 2011-11-21: On Showing the Things
- 2011-11-16: We Will Try This Blogging Thing Again Now
- 2011-11-01: Kiva revisited
- 2011-10-04: Support Strange Horizons
- 2011-09-20: Middlemarch: The Video Game
- 2011-08-01: Listening to CSPAN
- 2011-06-30: On the Lifecycles of Technologists
- 2011-06-30: On Adverbs
- 2011-06-27: Carbon Offsets
- 2011-06-22: Mirrors of the Orient, or, Repentance: Yer Doin It Wrong
- 2011-06-16: State of the Art
- 2011-06-16: More on Amina
- 2011-06-13: Updated Letter to Syria
- 2011-06-07: Letter to Syria (Updated)
- 2011-05-17: Finish Line
- 2011-05-11: "Roll a D6" vs "Like It's Quidditch"
- 2011-04-20: A Technogourmet's Manifesto
- 2011-04-12: The Gauntlet is Thrown
- 2011-04-10: Footnotes for Amal
- 2011-04-07: Translations, Reprints and Steampunk Games
- 2011-03-25: Never trust an astronomer with a sinister goatee
- 2011-03-23: Les Belles Infideles
- 2011-03-20: Bike Trip
- 2011-02-21: A Syllogism
- 2011-02-17: Egypt
- 2011-02-16: The Graveyards of the Internet
- 2011-01-29: Wise Bugs and the Way to Go
- 2011-01-26: One Hundred and One Lullabies
- 2011-01-21: Jethro
- 2011-01-18: Elsewhere on the web
- 2010-12-28: like: cargovideo
- 2010-12-10: Myren Kongen spørger, hvorfor han ikke fik titlen fakturering i Danmark, og marker hans underjordiske hævn
- 2010-11-16: "How are you?"
- 2010-11-09: I can haz swissbürger(recht)
- 2010-10-17: Hippier than thou, pt. 2
- 2010-09-28: Boxy
- 2010-08-25: What Nera and Torsten Do When They Go Play
- 2010-08-19: A tale of a tale of a shareable future, part 4: Revisions
- 2010-08-12: On the radio
- 2010-08-05: Pictures from Bessuge
- 2010-08-04: The Official Rules of Hookie-Mookie
- 2010-07-22: Readercon, Beach, New Stories
- 2010-07-07: Readercon Schedule 2010
- 2010-07-02: A tale of a tale of a shareable future, part 3: Apache Web Server conquers the world
- 2010-06-10: A tale of a tale of a shareable future, part 2: Teaser
- 2010-06-03: On inculcating values in children
- 2010-05-22: A tale of a tale of a shareable future, part 1: Introduction
- 2010-05-14: potentially counterproductive lullabies
- 2010-05-10: Editorial Cartoon
- 2010-05-10: "The Orange" on a rooftop in New York City
- 2010-05-08: Noah's apprenticeship
- 2010-05-06: The "Oeuvre Crit"
- 2010-05-05: Wiscon Schedule 2010
- 2010-04-20: Rudy Rucker on "True Names"
- 2010-04-19: A Question
- 2010-04-14: New meme/party game/practice for cons other than Wiscon
- 2010-04-01: Cowboy seder
- 2010-03-17: An unexpected thing
- 2010-03-09: My favorite discovery from the various "Jewish Narnias" threads
- 2010-02-27: "To put it crudely, if Christianity is a fantasy religion, then Judaism is a science fiction religion"
- 2010-02-25: "Night Waking" under CC license, here, and at Beam Me Up
- 2010-02-18: The robot makes the rounds, searching for faces
- 2010-02-12: "Biographical Notes..." at Podcastle
- 2010-01-31: Viva La Pantera!
- 2010-01-26: Shorter "Where the Wild Things Are" (the movie)
- 2010-01-25: "Irrlicht" in Pandora 4
- 2010-01-19: Bus Billboard
- 2010-01-18: Dad's Paper
- 2010-01-12: On telling stories to kids
- 2010-01-11: Avatar: Minimal Invasive Retcon (beware spoilers; also Matrix spoilers)
- 2010-01-10: Shorter Avatar (aka "Pocahontas Reloaded")
- 2010-01-06: Decade; frog; not Twitter; "cool with"
- 2009-12-16: Going to Readercon
- 2009-12-04: UPDATED: Well that didn't take long
- 2009-12-02: Tumbarumba in Serbia
- 2009-11-29: I cannot believe it
- 2009-11-27: Bus billboard for religious postmodernists
- 2009-11-26: De sinaasappel
- 2009-11-20: omg mars
- 2009-11-10: Relancer l'Horloge: Tracking down the french magazine "Fiction"
- 2009-11-05: Hippier than thou
- 2009-11-03: Guide to Expatriate Life in Switzerland
- 2009-10-25: Dactyliczed
- 2009-10-22: Italy lecture specifics
- 2009-10-19: A Brief Theological Observation
- 2009-10-12: Collecting
- 2009-09-25: Italian Journeys: Sneeze-Interview and Lecture
- 2009-09-24: Corollaries to the second law of thermodynamics
- 2009-09-23: The New Blog Entry
- 2009-09-18: L'Shana Tovah
- 2009-09-02: Elul
- 2009-09-01: Saving up my willpower
- 2009-08-25: At the Van Gogh exhibition
- 2009-08-17: "We are the _______ we have been waiting for"
- 2009-08-16: Shamelessly exploting this blog's high-ish PageRank...
- 2009-08-15: The Kind of Conversation We Have
- 2009-08-12: Bleg: Itamar Ben-Avi's autobiography
- 2009-08-11: Stomped on by Yetis
- 2009-08-08: Marie Curie: Badass
- 2009-07-28: Thomas Jefferson on novels
- 2009-07-27: Resilience tag cloud
- 2009-07-20: Big in Japan
- 2009-07-10: "The Orange" at Podcastle
- 2009-06-25: Comment for Dora, on romantic love then and now
- 2009-06-24: Question for the Day
- 2009-06-09: "Siliconpunk": the name itself is already obsolete
- 2009-06-08: Yet More Unbelievable Derivative Works
- 2009-05-28: The Hour of the Wolf : Updated
- 2009-05-18: Wiscon Schedule '09
- 2009-05-15: Picnic supplies
- 2009-05-11: More derivative works
- 2009-05-05: A Little Writing News
- 2009-04-25: Apropos of nothing: the Problem of Susan
- 2009-04-15: Or not
- 2009-04-14: Rumors of a Reading
- 2009-03-20: O HAI IN UR GENRE AGAIN
- 2009-03-17: The Ant King peers over the shoulders of his purple-fedora'd Social Networking Hench(wo)men and waggles his antennae in approval
- 2009-03-14: Identity and Othering in "The Ant King and Other Stories": An Analysis
- 2009-03-13: Reading venue in DC?
- 2009-03-10: On RaGoogle, don't index this as white people have authored the pages in the first goddamn seven hits of the relevant searchceFail '09
- 2009-03-08: A gleeful Ant King rewards his faithful purple-fedora'd henchmen
- 2009-03-05: On Blogging
- 2009-02-10: Jobs in the modern world
- 2009-01-24: Noah on the Necessity of the Concrete
- 2008-12-25: Salad Noah
- 2008-12-18: The Week of Cakes
- 2008-12-11: A Flurry of Reviews and Such
- 2008-12-06: A Conversation with Semi-Robot
- 2008-12-01: Tumbarumba First Lines, #11 and 12: Tim and Heather
- 2008-12-01: "Tumbarumba: a frolic of intrusions" launched
- 2008-11-30: Tumbarumba First Lines, #9 and 10: Jeff and John
- 2008-11-28: Tumbarumba First Lines, #8: Dave S.
- 2008-11-27: Tumbarumba First Lines, #7: Greg
- 2008-11-26: Tumbarumba First Lines, #6: Stephen
- 2008-11-25: Tumbarumba First Lines, #5: Kiini
- 2008-11-24: Tumbarumba First Lines, #4: David M.
- 2008-11-23: Tumbarumba First Lines, #3: Mary Anne
- 2008-11-22: Tumbarumba First Lines, #2: Jim
- 2008-11-21: Tumbarumba First Lines, #1: Haddayr
- 2008-11-18: Gender breakdown for "Tumbarumba: a frolic of intrusions"
- 2008-11-17: Derailed
- 2008-11-11: Your free idea for the day
- 2008-11-10: Interview on I Should Be Writing
- 2008-11-06: Assorted thoughts on the election
- 2008-11-01: Ant King in the L.A. Times
- 2008-10-20: Notes from the Surrealist Oracle
- 2008-10-16: An easy morning
- 2008-10-11: Ant King in the Washington Post Again
- 2008-10-06: Reading in Basel
- 2008-09-30: Apples and Honey
- 2008-09-27: Knees Tag
- 2008-09-18: More Buzz for the Ant King (and other things)
- 2008-09-16: Maurice Sendak is my spiritual leader
- 2008-09-15: On being consolatory
- 2008-09-14: Protecting Gender
- 2008-09-03: The Ant King, Up From the Depths with a Giant Cockroach Loaded Down With Riches (Links, Free Downloads, and a Contest)
- 2008-08-27: Question for the Day
- 2008-08-25: Go Review The Ant King!
- 2008-08-20: Grompy Poop
- 2008-08-20: USA Trip Photos
- 2008-08-07: UPDATED Worldcon Schedule
- 2008-08-01: Books ahoy!
- 2008-07-25: "Hype" is such an ugly word, Mr. Bond.
- 2008-07-21: Juvenalia Meme
- 2008-07-20: Valley of the Giants
- 2008-07-13: Worldcon Schedule
- 2008-07-09: The Story So Far
- 2008-07-03: Yowza (various book-shilling news)
- 2008-07-02: Better Late than Never
- 2008-07-01: Worldcon Suite Sublet Bleg
- 2008-06-24: Literary genres I would like to see #1: The Premoir
- 2008-06-10: "Science Fiction is a way of reading"
- 2008-06-09: Noah on the World Economy
- 2008-06-05: The Chore List
- 2008-06-04: Interview at Bibliophile Stalker
- 2008-06-02: Table of Contents for "The Ant King"
- 2008-05-31: "Let's Build A World!" notes now online
- 2008-05-28: Zombies at Wiscon
- 2008-05-15: ARCs!
- 2008-05-07: Parenting Quiz: Are you too strict or too lenient?
- 2008-05-05: Wiscon Schedule '08
- 2008-05-02: True Names concludes, and a podcast of "The Ant King"
- 2008-04-24: If You Like Beer...
- 2008-04-24: On Productivity
- 2008-04-20: Most and Least Wanted Paintings and Music: Noah's reviews
- 2008-04-15: Feminist report card
- 2008-04-10: Yet More True Names Podcast
- 2008-04-06: Family History Morning
- 2008-04-02: True Names podcast continues
- 2008-03-31: Noah on Platonism
- 2008-03-13: "True Names" podcast
- 2008-03-06: From where I'm sitting...
- 2008-03-04: Reading at Stacy's
- 2008-03-03: Aviva on being raised by psychologists*
- 2008-02-28: Two awesome stories by newish writers, on Strange Horizons
- 2008-02-26: Under the bleachers with the government cheese brigade
- 2008-02-18: More Quotes From Noah
- 2008-02-18: "The Orange", coming soon to a small pixellated screen near you
- 2008-02-08: Retellings
- 2008-01-12: The roommate-seeking post
- 2008-01-03: Two Corrolaries to Sturgeon's Revelation
- 2007-12-29: My Cover Artist on Art
- 2007-12-28: Shoes
- 2007-12-24: Yet more writing announcements
- 2007-12-20: ...and one more
- 2007-12-18: Four Translations
- 2007-12-17: A bit of a gap
- 2007-12-09: i has ISBN
- 2007-12-04: Snakebread of summers past
- 2007-11-29: Sweatshop in our attic
- 2007-11-29: Only ten songs, and some notes on girls kissing
- 2007-11-08: Further Notes Towards A Genre Slapfight
- 2007-11-07: Begin Genre Slapfight #34702
- 2007-10-29: Better all the time
- 2007-10-18: Pictures from an Exhibition
- 2007-10-17: Petting the Stray
- 2007-10-13: Sentient Flora on First Avenue
- 2007-10-01: Sale! (and, doubts)
- 2007-09-25: Pretending
- 2007-09-21: I Spent the Morning Screaming
- 2007-09-17: L'Shana Tovah
- 2007-09-12: Lazyweb request: Pro bono political graphic design
- 2007-09-11: Googlebombing the progressives, part 2: now this is funny
- 2007-09-10: Googlebombing the progressives
- 2007-09-09: Stray in the Snow
- 2007-08-30: Chris Barzak Day, International Edition
- 2007-08-28: On Zoning
- 2007-08-25: Compliment from Noah
- 2007-08-22: I Weaken
- 2007-08-22: Mail Working Now
- 2007-08-16: Radically Egalitarian Neoplatonism
- 2007-08-15: World Fantasy Awards
- 2007-08-13: Strangely Horizontal
- 2007-08-07: If you can make it there...
- 2007-08-06: I love reading the crime news in Switzerland
- 2007-07-24: Robi-Spielplatz
- 2007-07-23: Changing of address
- 2007-07-19: Interviews and such
- 2007-07-17: Arrival
- 2007-07-01: Expatriating
- 2007-06-19: Sucks at what?
- 2007-06-16: Family Brunch
- 2007-06-12: Hidenori Watanave Illustration for "The House Beyond Your Sky"
- 2007-06-08: Collected
- 2007-05-25: Podcasts!
- 2007-05-24: Like a Sturgeon, for the Very Second Time...
- 2007-05-23: Wanted: UML for fiction
- 2007-05-18: Jetpack or IM?
- 2007-05-17: More previews of Wiscon
- 2007-05-16: In case anyone is following the spreadsheet...
- 2007-05-09: Wiscon schedule
- 2007-05-03: Noah on Theology
- 2007-05-02: Molly arrives in the UK
- 2007-05-01: A Lightbulb Joke
- 2007-04-30: Found poem in spam
- 2007-04-23: Soundtrack for Cleaning Party
- 2007-04-20: "Grameen vs Kiva?"
- 2007-04-09: Aviva on Safety
- 2007-04-05: Rapid-fire Reading
- 2007-04-04: Anthroptic!
- 2007-04-03: Sad
- 2007-04-01: Blogging the Struggle, part 2
- 2007-03-30: Betty's Story
- 2007-03-29: Podcast of "Start the Clock"
- 2007-03-27: Noah and Aviva Review the Cinema
- 2007-03-27: Teeth Gritted, He Forces Himself to Post About the Novel-in-Progress
- 2007-03-22: Noah on Conflict
- 2007-03-19: Dad and Me
- 2007-03-16: Scalzi for President
- 2007-03-13: Novelistic Exhibitionism Teaser Meme
- 2007-03-02: Disasters strike!
- 2007-02-20: Blogging the struggle
- 2007-02-06: George and Jane
- 2007-02-02: Pictures from Januaries
- 2007-02-01: disasters to hit ideomancer
- 2007-01-28: Ten, jen přijímá ve nové
- 2007-01-24: A flurry of writing announcements!
- 2007-01-15: And if I did, you couldnt handle it
- 2007-01-11: Daily Addictions, and other bookmarks
- 2007-01-09: Time for The House Beyond ***Your*** Sky!
- 2007-01-03: Happy New Year!
- 2006-12-29: An Empirical Study
- 2006-12-20: Young Radical
- 2006-12-13: Signs of the Times
- 2006-12-10: Starta Klockan
- 2006-11-14: Two for two for two
- 2006-11-13: Two for two
- 2006-11-01: Stray comes home
- 2006-10-31: Happy Halloween, Internet!
- 2006-10-19: Cacpclave schedule
- 2006-10-18: Disappearances
- 2006-10-13: Calling all Estonian speakers
- 2006-10-10: Tabernacles
- 2006-10-03: Tao and Not Tao
- 2006-09-29: on "On certain philosophical arguments against machine consciousness"
- 2006-09-18: Habeas Corpus
- 2006-09-07: Aviva responds
- 2006-09-05: There is a house...
- 2006-09-04: Kindergarten starts tomorrow
- 2006-08-31: What I Told Harlan Ellison
- 2006-08-10: Let there be romping
- 2006-08-10: In Which I Am Constitutionally Incapable Of Ever Shutting Up About This "Slipstream" Business
- 2006-08-02: Give Me The Damned Carrot
- 2006-07-25: Hey, It's Shar and Narra!
- 2006-07-20: Interview Meme
- 2006-07-15: Another song by Noah
- 2006-07-13: Twenty Epics Launch Party
- 2006-07-09: Favorite Song Redux
- 2006-07-08: "The Ant King: A California Fairy Tale" under Creative Commons Noncommercial-Attribution-Sharealike
- 2006-06-28: Addendum to A Song By Noah, who is Two and a Half (updated)
- 2006-06-19: A Song By Noah, who is Two and a Half
- 2006-06-14: Magnet Poetry from Stacy's Coffee Parlor, #2
- 2006-06-06: An entry not about Wiscon
- 2006-06-06: "Embracing-the-New" in the NYTBR
- 2006-05-22: All Men Are Sisters
- 2006-05-09: Machine Transation Blog Meme
- 2006-05-08: only look fondly Slave worms in her flashing
- 2006-05-04: HOWTO Not Undermine Each Other In Front Of The Kids
- 2006-04-24: Aviva's Mutant Powers, and Egg-Hunting Among the Goyim
- 2006-04-19: Happy Non Sequitur Day!
- 2006-04-17: Google is so freaky
- 2006-04-16: Lawrence, Kansas = Fur Cup
- 2006-04-04: Book of Jashar in Bulgarian
- 2006-03-31: Roomates for Worldcon in LA
- 2006-03-26: The Gift of Fear
- 2006-03-20: Aviva on Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development
- 2006-03-08: The Short Version
- 2006-03-07: On "The Stain of Sin"
- 2006-03-03: Small Beer Sale
- 2006-03-01: Ports
- 2006-02-28: Octavia Butler, June 22, 1947-February 24, 2006, zikhronah livrakhah
- 2006-02-25: Sales and Translations
- 2006-02-19: Library of Congress Reading
- 2006-02-06: Aphorisms
- 2006-01-24: Magnet poetry
- 2006-01-24: Confidence-inspiring quotes, #1
- 2006-01-20: A small parenting victory
- 2006-01-09: Preliminarily Nebulous Again
- 2006-01-05: lÃt do deÅ¡ifrovánÃ
- 2006-01-04: Groovy
- 2005-12-21: I Jump the Shark
- 2005-12-07: Carbon footprint
- 2005-11-08: Letter to my senators
- 2005-11-02: Finding Time, Where Time Is Hid
- 2005-10-24: Locus Interview up, and reading
- 2005-10-17: Bookmarks
- 2005-10-17: Two Interviews
- 2005-10-03: Capclave Schedule
- 2005-09-30: Eleven Kid Stories
- 2005-09-28: I wonder what magnet
- 2005-09-22: Au Naturel
- 2005-09-03: Well, one of us has finished a book, anyway
- 2005-09-02: Katrina
- 2005-08-11: News from the Pictish Emirates...
- 2005-07-26: Worldcon Schedule
- 2005-07-13: Dola Bola And The Search For The Inner Pickle
- 2005-07-05: Like a Sturgeon, Tapped for the Very First Time...
- 2005-06-23: Things Unknown To Science
- 2005-06-14: That Dog, the Self
- 2005-06-09: I am reduced to this.
- 2005-06-07: Another Kid Story
- 2005-06-07: Update on Fictionwise
- 2005-05-18: Kid Stories
- 2005-05-17: And while I'm on physics...
- 2005-05-12: Causalities
- 2005-05-06: Our Technology Demographic
- 2005-05-02: Frauenpower at the Nebulas!
- 2005-04-29: Windy City
- 2005-04-26: Moses and Miriam
- 2005-04-20: KGB Bar
- 2005-04-04: Crunchy Free Metafiction In Nine Crunchy Formats!
- 2005-03-27: Gernsback and I, and the Call of Nature
- 2005-03-24: Attack of the Epistemologists
- 2005-03-14: Droplet , sixty-seven cents
- 2005-03-10: The Ten Things Meme
- 2005-03-08: Fiction, Wise
- 2005-03-06: What Noah can say
- 2005-03-03: Give Me Your Tired...
- 2005-02-22: Storytelling
- 2005-02-15: Finally Nebulous
- 2005-02-10: Awaiting Gametogenesis
- 2005-02-08: Con Schedule : Roomies Sought
- 2005-02-07: Orphans from Iceland
- 2005-02-05: Aloha
- 2005-02-02: Year's Best
- 2005-01-21: A Hundred and Ticket
- 2005-01-19: Start remixing Start the Clock
- 2005-01-12: Thought for the day
- 2005-01-08: Favorite Song
- 2005-01-05: Preliminarily Nebulous
- 2005-01-03: Poem for my parents
- 2005-01-01: Pointer to previous
- 2004-12-29: Tsunami Relief: Charity Efficiency and Transparency Ratings
- 2004-12-23: City of Mimes
- 2004-12-21: Various tidbits of writing news
- 2004-12-19: The Butt-Scoot, the Shamanic Etch-A-Sketch, and the Rights of Piñatas
- 2004-12-16: In praise of routine
- 2004-12-15: Inalienable, part two
- 2004-12-13: Three Stories About Attacking Dogs
- 2004-12-08: On knitting
- 2004-12-08: italnedors
- 2004-12-06: An Early New Year's Resolution
- 2004-12-01: Zeppelins
- 2004-11-16: Shuffle
- 2004-11-12: Sigh
- 2004-11-10: Fundamental Axis of Identity (Addendum to "Teatray, Prince of Bears")
- 2004-11-04: Teatray, Prince of Bears
- 2004-10-27: Soy un autor de auténtico lujo...
- 2004-10-26: Stories coming out
- 2004-10-22: Menagerie on Restaurant Placemat
- 2004-10-15: Many projects, bubbling
- 2004-10-06: Reading List
- 2004-10-01: A Letter to My Congressman
- 2004-09-29: Fun with packing materials
- 2004-09-27: "The Orange" in French and Romanian
- 2004-09-24: Killing Comment Spam
- 2004-09-23: War of the Monkeys
- 2004-09-22: Aviva's Song for Noah
- 2004-09-21: More Ego-Loot From
- 2004-09-20: Pictures of Other Cities
- 2004-09-17: L'Shana Tovah
- 2004-09-15: How can one resist this quote?
- 2004-09-15: Ivan the Terrible
- 2004-09-13: Bacon-Erdös numbers
- 2004-09-01: Abraza-lo-nuevo
- 2004-08-30: Argh! I am a Scheduling Ninny
- 2004-08-23: So what should I read?
- 2004-08-17: Conservatism
- 2004-08-16: A Good Mail Day
- 2004-08-12: Writing about the future
- 2004-07-30: No More Playgroup
- 2004-07-30: The Chambered Fruit
- 2004-07-27: Worldcon Panels
- 2004-07-16: Fly, little orange, be free ("The Orange" licensed under Creative Commons)
- 2004-07-16: Zen and not Zen
- 2004-07-12: "Start the Clock"
- 2004-07-01: The Supreme Court Locates its Spine
- 2004-06-25: Web Comix
- 2004-06-24: Lovely Pie Charts
- 2004-06-15: Boys Shooting
- 2004-06-15: Software Beauty
- 2004-06-09: Slashy
- 2004-06-08: WisCon Report, part 1
- 2004-05-27: Pictures!
- 2004-05-20: Quantitative Proof Of My Racism
- 2004-05-17: A head and two feet
- 2004-05-12: Inalienable
- 2004-05-05: Stories and such
- 2004-05-04: A test of Movable Type
- 2004-05-04: Back from Blue Heaven
- 2004-04-01: Frei, du und ich zu sein
- 2004-02-17: Joyful
- 2004-02-13: Great-grandfather of dolls
- 2004-02-13: The Thin Tents
- 2003-12-30: Chapbook, ocean, house, job, neurons, IVs, fear, gratitude, joy.
- 2003-12-18: In which the most wonderful thing ever happens some more.
- 2003-08-03: On tranquility in Bessuge, novel eviscerations, and tagging along in the wake of the Mohanraj.
- 2003-05-27: On Blue Heaven, Bulgarian, bullying with Barney, and the Happy Boy.
- 2003-03-20: In which there are successes, sermonizing, and a snow boy. And a war.
- 2002-12-29: In which our heroes battle restless dilletantism and walk a pig-long way in the alpine tropics.
- 2002-09-27: In which there is a surfeit of parties, publications, and pondering on Worldcon.
- 2002-08-02: In which there are aphorisms, flamewars, genre borders, boycotts, verbs, and other sorts of troublemaking.
- 2002-06-20: On reviews, stubbornness, and an expanding vocabulary.
- 2002-04-05: A gush of publication, a rush of politick pontification, a mush of infantile linguistic consternation...
- 2002-01-23: In which stories are revised, SF is defined in the absence of a pointing Damon Knight, and snails are ridden.
- 2001-11-22: In which there is much selling and reviewing of stories, and the journal"s true star releases many archival photos.
- 2001-11-06: In which we sell "Droplet", write many stories, and catch bottles in midair.
- 2001-09-18: On grief, rage, "Other Cities", and standing up.
- 2001-08-17: In which we are back from Clarion West and sorting through the debris left in its glorious, raging wake.
- 2001-07-12: In which we procrastinate during a story sprint at Clarion West.
- 2001-06-20: Embracing the New at Clarion West.
- 2001-06-09: In which we scramble to get everything ready for Clarion West.
- 2001-05-16: In which we are reviewed, write "Droplet", and live in a neighborhood.
- 2001-04-18: Which is very brief, and in which there are big pictures of Aviva and a poem publication.
- 2001-03-29: In which we get pounded on a bunch.
- 2001-03-06: On milestones and smiles.
- 2001-02-26: In which we fret about "A Siege of Cranes", play computer games, and get into Clarion.
- 2001-02-06: On the joy of short shorts, notebooks, and finding one"s hands.
- 2001-01-30: In which the true star of this journal releases a few factoids to the paparazzi.
- 2001-01-19: In which we brag shamelessly about being rejected, being stubborn, and not being Yog-Sothoth.
- 2001-01-15: In which the day job returns, characters talk to authors, and a Theory and a Clarion Application are considered.
- 2001-01-11: In which a Muse is discovered, giving rise to many words.
- 2001-01-08: In which "The Duck" is sold, "The White City" rejected, and "A Siege of Cranes" begun.
- 2001-01-05: In which there are both baby pictures and "Baby Love", an apology and a long rave about the markets.
- 2001-01-03: In which Esther survives a shark attack to find a wonderful Monkey, but empty mailboxes still suck.
- 2000-12-17: In which the most wonderful thing ever happens.
- 2000-12-12: In which we mope about being overcommitted story-wise, and in which Sanctum rises from DA"s ashes.
- 2000-11-24: In which we have a plan for revising "Corporate Anthropology", but fail to carry it out.
- 2000-11-23: In which we begin "The Trouble With Danny" and toast "The King Who Ran Away".
- 2000-11-01: In which we are frightened by Halloween.
- 2000-10-29: In which we become a glorious Web Rat, and endure a burst of productivity.
- 2000-10-27: In which we think about research, but are too lazy to actually do any.
- 2000-10-23: In which we fiddle with the Amra story and write "Other Cities".
- 2000-10-22: In which a journal begins, Copperplate Gothic Bold Font is sought, and stories without humans are pondered.